"Loki" is an artisan preshave oil and shaving soap duo inspired by the unpredictable charm and intensity of Creed’s Aventus. The preshave oil features a blend of avocado, camellia, jojoba, and castor oils, offering a smooth, nourishing foundation that enhances glide and preps skin with care. The shaving soap, enriched with seven luxurious butters—shea, kokum, cupuacu, cocoa, mango, bacuri, and murmuru—alongside jojoba oil, whips up a dense, moisturizing lather that indulges the skin. Infused with the bold, smoky, and fruity notes of Aventus, each product delivers an alluring scent experience that is at once daring and refined. "Loki" turns the act of shaving into an homage to bold spirit, leaving a fragrance that exudes strength and subtle mischief throughout the day.